Zeszyty Naukowe PTE w Zielonej Górze (Oct 2021)
A proposal of a measure for assessing the correctness of linear ordering methods
There was proposed a modification of the procedure for determining the aggregate measure to assess the correctness of linear ordering methods. The proposed solution takes into account variability and signs of the values of partial measures and their character (stimulant/destimulant). Proposals of aggregate measures assessing the correctness of linear ordering methods, that are available in the literature, use the root sum of squares of the values of partial measures. It can lead to false results in the situation where the values of partial measures are negative numbers. By squaring them, the ordering of objects (here: taxonomic measures) may change. Moreover, different ranges of variability of values of partial measures may lead to the situation, that some of them have greater impact on the final evaluation of the analyzed linear ordering methods than others. The proposed modification of the aggregate measure allows for the elimination of the mentioned problems.