Química Nova (Jan 2010)

Distribuição espacial de compostos orgânicos de estanho em sedimentos costeiros e em Phallusia nigra da Baía de Todos os Santos e litoral norte da Bahia - Brasil Spatial distribution of organic tin compounds in coastal sediment and Phallusia nigra of the Todos os Santos Bay and northern coast of Bahia - Brazil

  • Adelmo Lowe Pletsch,
  • Magda Beretta,
  • Tania Mascarenhas Tavares

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 33, no. 2
pp. 451 – 457


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Organic tin compounds were investigated in the sediment of twenty-four stations located in the Todos os Santos Bay and the north coast of Bahia - Brazil. The concentration of these organic tin was also determined in a ascidium species of Phallusia nigra. The speciation and quantification was performed by GC-MS/MS. The highest concentrations were: tributyltin (TBT) 438 ng g-1, dibutyltin (DBT) 207 ng g-1, monobutyltin (MBT) 423 ng g-1, diphenyltin (DPT) 25.8 ng g-1 and monophenyltin (MPT) 55.0 ng g-1. DBT and MBT were found in Phallusia nigra, with highest concentrations of 294.1 and 148.5 ng g-1, respectively.
