Journal of Research in Education Sciences (Mar 2019)

攜手同行:建構特教初任教師導入方案之旅 A Journey on Constructing an Induction Framework for the Novice Special Education Teachers at Secondary School Level

  • 胡心慈 Shin-Tzu Hu ,
  • 張育琳 Yu-Lin Chang

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 64, no. 1
pp. 53 – 80


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本研究以一尚未實施特教初任教師導入制度的縣市為對象,建構為期 1 年的以縣市為本位的導入方案。研究者採用合作行動研究法解決現場問題,與特教輔導團合作,邀請 12 名資深優良特教教師擔任 16 名國中身心障礙類科初任教師的跨校輔導教師,教師們從一開始彼此陌生,歷經彼此觀望、輔導教師主動、雙方均能主動互動到互相加入 LINE 群組成為攜手同行的好夥伴。在特教初任教師之專業成長需求上,發現其學期初較多的需求在行政方面的資訊 提供及情緒支持,在度過「存活期」後才開始回歸特教專業,在教學與學生問題處理上提出較多問題。至於輔導教師的輔導策略與成長則發現:輔導教師的實際作法以在網路上聯繫居多,但亦夾雜訪視和共同輔導、團體座談、一起到特教績效優良的學校觀摩等方式,過程中輔導教師也獲得成長,最後能共同對未來如何落實導入方案提出建議。 The purpose of this study was to construct an induction framework for the novice special education teachers at secondary school level. The co-operative action inquiry research was utilized. The researchers were co-operative with 12 expert special education teachers of Wellbeing County to mentor 16 novice teachers. The results of this study indicated the process of this framework was step by step, from the beginning at each other feeling strange and watching each other, then the mentors took the initiative, after this periods, both of them could take the initiative to interact with each other, at last, they all joined the line group to become good partners working together. The professional needs of the novice special education teachers were in the administrative matters at first, then they needed professional support in teaching and managing students’ challenging behaviors. Many strategies were being used in this program, e.g. modeling, evaluating, discussing, which made both senior and novice teachers grew and developed. The authors made some suggestions to Wellbeing County, teachers participating this program and researchers.
