Journal of Research in Education Sciences (Sep 2021)
創造思考教學方案對高職生創造思考能力之效果與團體歷程分析 Designing a Vocational High School Instructional Program for Enhancing Creativity: Effects on Creative Thinking and Group Process Analysis
教導學生如何創意思考是國家持續發展與繁榮的重要關鍵。然而,目前普遍缺乏如何有效應用創意思考教學策略之討論。本研究主要目的在設計9週的創造力教學方案,並檢驗對於高職資訊科學生之創造思考能力的影響。採用準實驗研究之不等組設計,共85位高職生參與,實驗組為41人、控制組為44人。以新編創造思考測驗、Torrance圖形創造思考測驗之表現,分別作為創造力教學方案之前、後測,進行共變數分析。同時,蒐集教師個別訪談、課室觀察,以及學生焦點團體訪談與個別訪談等質性資料,來分析創造思考教學對高職生創意氛圍之影響。量化研究結果指出,實驗組於創造思考能力之流暢性、變通性、獨創性及精進性,皆顯著高於控制組。根據質性資料結果發現,實驗組在課程特性、團體動力、限制情境等主題上,皆有較佳的創意發想效果,此意味著本研究採用之創意思考教學策略,可有效提升高職生之創造思考能力,建議未來可整合至資訊科教育中。 Teaching students the ability to think creatively can improve a country’s continuity and prosperity. However how strategies for teaching creative thinking can be efficiently applied remains unclear. This study examined the effect of a 9-week creativity curriculum on the creative thinking ability of students in an engineering program at a vocational high school. A nonequivalent, quasi-experimental design was employed. A total of 85 students were assigned to an experimental group of 41 or a control group of 44. The students in the experimental group scored significantly higher in all aspects of creative thinking ability, namely, fluency, flexibility, originality, and elaboration. The creative thinking curriculum yielded positive results; the emergent themes in the creative process included: (1) curriculum characteristics, (2) group dynamics, and (3) constraining conditions. The results imply that this 9-week creativity curriculum is efficient and can be incorporated into future research on engineering education or creative thinking.