Improved Charge Carrier Transport Across Grain Boundaries in N‐type PbSe by Dopant Segregation
Huaide Zhang,
Minghao Shen,
Christian Stenz,
Christian Teichrib,
Riga Wu,
Lisa Schäfer,
Nan Lin,
Yiming Zhou,
Chongjian Zhou,
Oana Cojocaru‐Mirédin,
Matthias Wuttig,
Yuan Yu
Huaide Zhang
Institute of Physics (IA) RWTH Aachen University Sommerfeldstraße 14 52074 Aachen Germany
Minghao Shen
Institute of Physics (IA) RWTH Aachen University Sommerfeldstraße 14 52074 Aachen Germany
Christian Stenz
Institute of Physics (IA) RWTH Aachen University Sommerfeldstraße 14 52074 Aachen Germany
Christian Teichrib
Institute of Physics (IA) RWTH Aachen University Sommerfeldstraße 14 52074 Aachen Germany
Riga Wu
Institute of Physics (IA) RWTH Aachen University Sommerfeldstraße 14 52074 Aachen Germany
Lisa Schäfer
Institute of Physics (IA) RWTH Aachen University Sommerfeldstraße 14 52074 Aachen Germany
Nan Lin
Institute of Physics (IA) RWTH Aachen University Sommerfeldstraße 14 52074 Aachen Germany
Yiming Zhou
Institute of Physics (IA) RWTH Aachen University Sommerfeldstraße 14 52074 Aachen Germany
Chongjian Zhou
State Key Laboratory of Solidification Processing, and Key Laboratory of Radiation Detection Materials and Devices Ministry of Industry and Information Technology Northwestern Polytechnical University Xi'an 710072 China
Oana Cojocaru‐Mirédin
Department of Sustainable Systems Engineering (INATECH) Albert‐Ludwigs‐Universität Freiburg 79110 Freiburg Germany
Matthias Wuttig
Institute of Physics (IA) RWTH Aachen University Sommerfeldstraße 14 52074 Aachen Germany
Yuan Yu
Institute of Physics (IA) RWTH Aachen University Sommerfeldstraße 14 52074 Aachen Germany
Doping is an important and routine method to tune the properties of semiconductors. Dopants accumulated at grain boundaries (GBs) can exert a profound influence on microstructures and transport properties of heat and charge. To unravel the effect of dopant accumulation at GBs on the scattering of electrons, individual high‐angle GBs in three PbSe samples doped with different amounts of Cu using a home‐designed correlative characterization platform combining electron backscatter diffraction, microcircuit transport property measurements, and atom probe tomography are studied. The findings reveal that the segregation of Cu dopants to GBs reduces the GB potential barrier height. Once the GB phase reaches an equilibrium with saturated Cu, the extra Cu dopants distribute homogeneously inside the grains, compensating for vacancies and improving the electrical conductivity of the PbSe grains. The results correlate the Cu distribution at GBs and grains with local electrical properties, enlightening strategies for manipulating advanced functional materials by GB segregation engineering.