Taikomieji tyrimai studijose ir praktikoje (Dec 2018)
The induction process is a form of support for novice teachers starting their career path. The absence of state-wide induction programme leads to high teacher drop-out rate, shortage of teachers to replace expected retirements, and ineffective use of financial resources spent on educating teachers who quit working as teachers. In view of the internationalization of education in all the education cycles, many international teachers settle in different countries and start or continue their professional activities. Given that the initial integration stage is complicated even for local teachers, international teachers frequently encounter even more challenges rooted in the necessity to deal with intercultural communication issues among other problems. The aim of the research was to identify the key areas of early career support necessary to reduce novice teachers’ drop-out rate. The research was conducted applying survey as the research method. The research outcomes comprised the description of the “state-of-the-art” concerning novice teachers’ experience in the first years of work, the key areas of support necessary to reduce the novice teachers’ drop-out rate, and recommendations aimed at teacher education institutions, school management and novice teachers with diverse cultural and professional backgrounds. The article introduces the selected results of the study focusing on the recommendations aimed at the beneficiaries within the given research perspectives. The research was conducted in the framework of the Nordplus Horizontal Project “Reducing Teacher Drop-Out Rate” (Project number NPHZ-2017/10067) and the project "Multilingual and Multicultural University: Preparation Platform for Prospective International Students" (No. co-funded by ERDF.