Rasprave Instituta za Hrvatski Jezik i Jezikoslovlje (Jan 2017)

The dialect of Banki – addendum to the description of the Poreč dialects

  • Tatjana Ljubešić,
  • Lina Pliško

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 43, no. 2
pp. 443 – 456


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The article explains the local dialect of the Poreč village Banki on the language’s phonological and morphological level. The older dialect-related literature features only Baderna, Fuškulin, Poreč, Nova Vas (Małecki 1930, Ribarić 1940, Hraste 1964) and the more recent literature also mentions Baderna, Žbandaj, Orbani and Nova Vas (Pliško 2005, Lisac 2009, Mandić 2009). According to the researched linguistic characteristics, the local dialect of Banki belongs to the southwest Istrian dialect. It is a shtakavian dialect with an ikavian reflex of the ‘jat’ sound with a newer tri-accent system. Within it, a diphthongisation of the long e and o, as well as an adriatism of ĺ > j is achieved. The dialect of Banki, according to findings about the Poreč dialects thus far, is the one most alike to the dialect of Orbani and the neighbouring Baderna. Future research of Poreč idioms will unveil dialect groups of same linguistic characteristics and give a final image of that, thus far, insufficiently known linguistic region.
