Motriz: Revista de Educacao Fisica (Sep 2010)
Práticas aventureiras e situações de risco no voo livre: uma análise a partir do conceito de redoma sensorial Adventurous practices and risk situations in the free flight: an analysis starting from the concept of sensorial dome
O presente estudo analisa situações de risco na prática de voo livre por intermédio do conceito de redoma sensorial. A amostra foi constituída de 19 (dezenove) praticantes da modalidade de parapente, com média de idade de 31 (trinta e um) anos, considerou-se o desvio padrão com significância > This study analyzes the risk situations in the practice of free flight through the concept of sensorial dome. The sample consisted of 19 (nineteen) practitioners of the paragliding, with the age middle was 31 (thirty one) years old and the arithmetic absolute media considered by researches was > < 0.05%. From the method of descriptive exploratory study was concluded that that the field of technology and use appropriate equipment, though not essential guarantee the success of these actors. In the major of time, the risky situations experienced in the adventure sport, join at a first moment a true outline of extraordinary sensorial elements. However, the daily experiences observed in a given kind can take to the banalization of those elements by the apprentice, becoming ordinary sensorial elements. Such change can present implications in and for the practice of the adventure sport kinds in natural environment like, for instance, the apprentice's physical and emotional integrity.