Revista Brasileira de Enfermagem ()

National Licensure Exam for Brazilian Nurses: why and for whom?

  • Kênia Lara da Silva,
  • Ivone Evangelista Cabral

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 71, no. suppl 4
pp. 1692 – 1699


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ABSTRACT Objective: To analyze critically the reasons for regulating a National Licensure Exam for Brazilian Nurses (NLEXB-N). Method: Qualitative study with secondary source applying the critical discourse analysis to situate context and intertextuality in the establishment of a new social practice. We analyzed data from legal documents regulating the National Licensure Exam of other professions in Brazil, the Educational Census, the Survey of Brazilian Nursing Profile and global nursing literature. Results: Four themes were explored: Brazilian experiences with this exam; nursing experiences in other countries; effects of the exam on the examinees; NLEXB-N in Brazil: what purposes could we present? Final considerations: The National Licensure Exam for Brazilian Nurses is a measure of individual accountability that increases social injustice, inequality and inequity. We must pay attention to the consequences of its application, based on evidences produced in the area.
