Revista Brasileira de Enfermagem ()

Analysis of the guiding rules of the nurse technician’s practice in Brazil

  • Marília Souto de Araújo,
  • Soraya Maria de Medeiros,
  • Edilma de Oliveira Costa,
  • Jonas Sâmi Albuquerque de Oliveira,
  • Raphael Raniere de Oliveira Costa,
  • Yanna Gomes de Sousa



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ABSTRACT Objectives: to analyze the normative bases that guide the nurse technician’s practice, clarifying how the performance of this category happens. Methods: this is a qualitative study of exploratory and descriptive nature and of documentary type, held on the basis of the resolutions of the Brazilian Federal Nursing Council (Cofen). From a total of 364 resolutions published from 1975 to 2018, 15 accounted for the objective of the study and were therefore selected. Results: this study systematized two analytical categories: areas of practice of the nurse technician, according to Cofen resolutions; and description of the professional’s activities based on the resolutions. Final Considerations: the analysis of the normative bases that guide the nurse technician’s practice leads to the conclusion of a possible frailty of theoretical and normative content to justify the practice of these professionals.
