GeoGebra (Sep 2010)
Inertia between classic and modern spirit seen by GeoGebra
There is a struggle to integrate the computer in school. This approach must be read: "the integration of educational software in education". This is a related desire to implement new teaching methods in mathematics. An "educational software application” is something that everyone could use on a computer, without having advanced knowledge about computers and programming. Draw, build, unite, investigate properties, change shape and size. Properties remain the same? Why? Can you formulate the theorem from this investigation? Prove it rigorously! Experience should not only be lived, but shared. Recently founded, „GeoGebra Institute of Timisoara, Romania” has promoted activities in order to promote GeoGebra platform among teachers of mathematics and other sciences.One can appreciate that there is some inertia in using methods of classical learning. The role of initiators of Romanian institute seems to be difficult. When the action will become more global, our colleagues will accept this software that I called it „The GeoGebraLanguage” not only as a working method but also as a step in opening of a viable way to exchange ideas, on this beach and the investigations will become constructions of new methods of investigation of science, both for developers, users,educated or educators. This presentation covers some ideas that were developed after the first activities carried out under the GI Institute of Romania and our strategies in connection with the development of a broad community of users nationwide.