Astra Salvensis (Jul 2019)
The biographical and intellectual profile of Septimiu Albini (1861-1919)
The present study entitled, Biographical and intellectual profile of Septimiu Albini 1861-1919, proposes to offer yet another contribution regarding the hystoriography of the Transylvanian publicist, Septimiu Albini. Certainly, the future journalist and newsman is not unknown to our historiography, but in the current study we try to present some biographical and intellectual data which complete the already exisisting picture of Septimiu Albini. The current study regarding this research is mainly a re-evaluation of the so far published works on this topic. About the „publicist from Cut” we have the writings of Ilie Moise. Furthermore, Septimiu Albini enjoyed the attention of the historian Vlad Popovici. Personally I've dealt with this subject in my bachelor’s degree, having as main source in the process of a diachronic reconstruction of the future memorandist and political activist’s biographical and intellectual profile, his memoirs. Septimiu Albini’s memoirs are preserved in the Archives of the Metropolitan Library in Sibiu, in the Ioan Lupaș fund. Thus we can see that for this article I used both published sources like current articles and works on this topic, a general bibliography related to the national movement from Transylvania, as well as sources from archives, the above mentioned memoirs. The research method consisted in the reassessment of sources, archives, collation of texts, inserting various notes into unpublished documents, and a severe criticism of sources. In the present study there won’t be common references to the studied and interpreted archives, because the current research aims to provide an overview of the publicist, Septimiu Albini.