Transactions on Fuzzy Sets and Systems (Nov 2023)
Gautama and Almost Gautama Algebras and their associated logics
Recently, Gautama algebras were defined and investigated as a common generalization of the variety $\mathbb{RDBLS}\rm t$ of regular double Stone algebras and the variety $\mathbb{RKLS}\rm t$ of regular Kleene Stone algebras, both of which are, in turn, generalizations of Boolean algebras. Those algebras were named in honor and memory of the two founders of Indian Logic--{\bf Akshapada Gautama} and {\bf Medhatithi Gautama}. The purpose of this paper is to define and investigate a generalization of Gautama algebras, called ``Almost Gautama algebras ($\mathbb{AG}$, for short).'' More precisely, we give an explicit description of subdirectly irreducible Almost Gautama algebras. As consequences, explicit description of the lattice of subvarieties of $\mathbb{AG}$ and the equational bases for all its subvarieties are given. It is also shown that the variety $\mathbb{AG}$ is a discriminator variety. Next, we consider logicizing $\mathbb{AG}$; but the variety $\mathbb{AG}$ lacks an implication operation. We, therefore, introduce another variety of algebras called ``Almost Gautama Heyting algebras'' ($\mathbb{AGH}$, for short) and show that the variety $\mathbb{AGH}$ %of Almost Heyting algebras is term-equivalent to that of $\mathbb{AG}$. Next, a propositional logic, called $\mathcal{AG}$ (or $\mathcal{AGH}$), is defined and shown to be algebraizable (in the sense of Blok and Pigozzi) with the variety $\mathbb{AG}$, via $\mathbb{AGH},$ as its equivalent algebraic semantics (up to term equivalence). All axiomatic extensions of the logic $\mathcal{AG}$, corresponding to all the subvarieties of $\mathbb{AG}$ are given. They include the axiomatic extensions $\mathcal{RDBLS}t$, $\mathcal{RKLS}t$ and $\mathcal{G}$ of the logic $\mathcal{AG}$ corresponding to the varieties $\mathbb{RDBLS}\rm t$, $\mathbb{RKLS}\rm t$, and $\mathbb{G}$ (of Gautama algebras), respectively. It is also deduced that none of the axiomatic extensions of $\mathcal{AG}$ has the Disjunction Property. Finally, We revisit the classical logic with strong negation $\mathcal{CN}$ and classical Nelson algebras $\mathbb{CN}$ introduced by Vakarelov in 1977 and improve his results by showing that $\mathcal{CN}$ is algebraizable with $\mathbb{CN}$ as its algebraic semantics and that the logics $\mathcal{RKLS}\rm t$, $\mathcal{RKLS}\rm t\mathcal{H}$, 3-valued \L ukasivicz logic and the classical logic with strong negation are all equivalent.