Известия высших учебных заведений. Поволжский регион: Общественные науки (Aug 2021)
Contemporary forms of youth’s deviant behavior in the conditions of digitalization of Russian society
Background. The research analyzes the tendencies of increasing the role of the information society in the process of modern youth’s socialization, associated with a change in the structure of free time, communications and choice of life strategies of young people. The analysis of statistical data made it possible to make an overview of digitalization spreading use depending on age characteristics at the Russian and international levels. The study made it possible to determine that at present, social and cultural deviations and addictions (gambling addiction, Internet addiction, etc.) updated by information technologies are added to the traditional forms of deviant behavior among young people (alcoholism, drug addiction, suicide). In this regard, this analysis of modern forms of youth’s deviant behavior can serve as a basis in the search for social regulators and the development of a set of preventive measures in a digital society. The purpose of the work is to analyze the current state of the audience coverage with digital technologies and their impact on the development of deviant behavior of the younger generation. Materials and methods. The implementation of tasks when writing an article was carried out on the basis of using a set of methods of scientific knowledge: analysis and generalization of scientific and periodical literature, statistical indicators. Results. The analysis of statistical data made it possible to determine the current state and depth of the digitalization spreading into the life of the country’s population. Some trends in the development of deviant behavior of the younger generation, conditioned by the virtualization of space, are characterized. Conclusions. The results of the study determined the high importance of a comprehensive analysis of the spread of the space digitalization, which affects all spheres of life of modern society and has a direct impact on the character, orientation of socialization trajectories of the younger generation, as well as the risk of developing deviant behavior. At the same time, the most effective ways to prevent of deviations spreading in the youth environment is a complex process of education and social control, which is implemented on the basis of the translation of traditional values and norms of behavior through the updated channels of the information society.