Journal of Veterinary and Animal Sciences (Jul 2019)
Morphometric study on the hoof of buffalo was undertaken in the present work. The toe length, toe height, toe angle, sole length, sole width, heel bulb length, heel bulb height and heel bulb width of lateral and medial claws of both forelimbs and hind limbs were recorded separately. There was no statistically significant correlation between the body weight and the different morphometric measurements of hooves. The average toe length of fore and hind limbs were 8.16±0.19 cm and 7.795±0.253 cm respectively. The average toe height of fore and hind limbs were 5.535±0.472 cm and 5.20±0.48 cm. Maximum sole length was recorded in the left lateral claw of hindlimb (13.45±0.833 cm) and minimum in the right lateral of forelimb (12.5±0.83 cm). Maximum sole width was recorded in the right medial claw of forelimb (6.45±0.46) and minimum in the right medial claw of hindlimb (4.75±0.592). There existed a significant difference in the mean toe length, toe height, sole length, sole width, heel bulb length, heel bulb height and heel bulb width of forelimb and hindlimb and showed greater values for forelimb