Tropical and Subtropical Agroecosystems (Nov 2023)
Background. Ardisia compressa Kunth, is a wild species native from tropical evergreen forests of Mexico, it produces fruits with phytochemical, ecological and dietary potencial. Its fruits are appreciated by people from local communities. However, in Mexico there are no studies that allow knowing the state of its phenotypic diversity. Objective. Characterize the morphological diversity of A. compressa populations from Chiapas state, Mexico. Methodology. Ninety individuals of nine wild populations of A. compressa were evaluated using 45 morphological traits (16 qualitative and 29 quantitative). The qualitative data were subjected to descriptive analysis and quantitative data were used in an analysis of variance (ANOVA) and finally the qualitative and quantitative data were analyzed simultaneously by means of a multivariate analysis with the Ward-MLM Method. Results. The qualitative traits showed phenotypic variability in the characteristics of leaf and fruit color. The quantitative data showed significant differences (P≤ 0.05) in all traits evaluated. The results of the principal component analysis (PCA) and cluster analysis (UPGMA) grouped the populations into three morphological groups differentiated by the similarity of the morphological traits of the populations and not by their geographical origin. Implications. The results in this study should be considered to implementing strategies of plant production and conservation of A. compressa. Conclusion. A wide phenotypic variability was found organized into three morphological groups defined base on characteristics of tree height, number of fruits, number of flowers and ratio of length to thickness leaf. The quantitative traits allowed us to observe the greatest morphological variability in the populations of A. compressa.