In die Skriflig (Jun 1993)

John Calvin and the Belgic Confession

  • S. A. Strauss

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 27, no. 4
pp. 501 – 518


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Calvin's influence on the Belgic Confession is usually taken for granted. In this article this traditional view' is subjected to a critical study. Firstly a historical investigation is made of the possible biographic contact that John Calvin (1509-64) and Guido de Brés (1522-67) could have had. This investigation lead's to the conclusion that the latter was a close pupil of the former Calvin exercised influence on the Belgic Confession (1561) via the Confessio Gailicana (1559). When comparing the general theological con­tent of the Belgic Confession with the Institutes of Calvin, significant simi­larities are found.