Esoterik: Jurnal Akhlak dan Tasawuf (Jun 2019)
Terapi Tobat pada Gangguan Psikosomatik
Tobat (atonement) is the first maqam (level) of spiritual journey of a Sufi. This Tobat aproach can be a therapy for pshychosomatic syndrom. There are many diseases are interconnections between physical illness and psychological illness. Therefore, , at this time it is not right if people think that physical illness is absolutely caused by a physical disorder, while absolute psychological illness is caused by psychological conditions. if physical health has been obtained, then a person further wants to get psychic health to get the essence of totality as a human being. By qualitative approach – literature analitic - this article will describe the result of the construct of the physical and psychological healths idea in this era by the therapy of Tobat with sufiestic approach. The results of this descriptive analysis show that Tobat can be used as a therapy for sufferers of psychosomatic syndrome.