Plant Protection Science (Mar 2022)
Problems in cabbage stem weevil control (Ceutorhynchus pallidacytlus Marsh.) in winter oilseed rape
Due to the length of egg-laying period (> 80 days), two applications of insecticides against cabbage stem weevil (Ceutorhynchus pallidactylus Marsh.) are currently needed. However, resistance of pollen beetle (Brassicogethes aeneus F.) to pyrethroids complicates the choice of suitable insecticide for the second application. The active ingredients cypermethrin, etofenprox, pymetrozine, indoxacarb and chlorpyrifos-ethyl applied as second spring applications to winter oilseed rape crops were assessed under field conditions from 2016 to 2018 to ascertain how they could reinforce the effects of the first spring application (beta-cyfluthrin) on cabbage stem weevil. Chlorpyrifos-ethyl and etofenprox strengthened the effects of the first spring spray on cabbage stem weevil markedly more than cypermethrin. Pymetrozine and indoxacarb, effective on resistant populations of pollen beetles, showed the lowest contribution to increase the effects. Indoxacarb showed a low effect on C. pallidactylus in laboratory tests too. The impacts of the bans on active ingredients chlorpyrifos-ethyl and pymetrozine are discussed.