Механика машин, механизмов и материалов (Jun 2014)
Choice of Rational Scheme for Longitudinal Fastening Pipes on Railway Platforms
A mathematical model of the collision process platform loaded tiered pipe fixed with a group of cars. Considered a device for placing and securing the three tiers of large diameter pipes on the railway platform, ensuring efficient use of capacity of the wagons. The influence of the stiffness of elastic elements fixing the amount of longitudinal displacement tiers of pipes, as well as dynamic forces in the means of attachment to the frame tube platform at different speeds its collision with a group of three stationary cars. A comparative analysis of the dynamic characteristics of a device with three tiers of fastening methods longitudinal pipes. Established that the dynamic forces arising fixings and trainline receptacles in the collision with a group of fixed platform wagons, less than the longline method longitudinal connecting tubes.