Актуальні питання суспільних наук та історії медицини (Mar 2017)



Journal volume & issue
no. 1(13)
pp. 21 – 25


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Новоставская О.И. Прагматический аспект профессионального языка юриспруденции. Исследовано важность прагматического аспекта в понимании профессионального языка юриспруденции как части современного украинского языка. Освещено роль значения семиотического понимания, когнитивно-языкового и ритуально-культурного подходов в раскрытии логико-семантического ракурса актуальной украинской юридической терминосистемы. Приведены примеры новых лексем в законодательных актах и энциклопедической научной литературе, функционирование которых требует профессионального анализа юристов и лингвистов. Ключевые слова: линвистическая прагматика, профессиональный язык юриспруденции, право, термин, лексика. Novostavska O. Pragmatic Aspect of Professional Language of Jurisprudence. In this article studied the importance of pragmatic aspect in the understanding of the professional language of law as a part the modern Ukrainian language. One of the main problems of linguistic is the pragmatics in language. Pragmatic meaning is dependent on the context of the utterance and has rules of use. Semantic meaning refers to the aspect of meaning, which describes events in the world that are independent of the circumstance they are uttered in. Linguistic pragmatics focuses its attention on a particular speaker, speech activity of which is implemented in a pragmatic communicative space. A pragmatic approach explores the features of formation of conceptual apparatus of appropriate professional scientific field. In a pragmatic sense of professional language of jurisprudence important separate aspect of the study of French linguistics is explain the mechanisms ritualization of language. Ritual elements of speech regulate communication, symbolizing the social relations. French pragmatic thinks that we should closely investigate the pragmatics of language with its semiotic aspect. The significance of semiotic understanding, cognitive-linguistic and ritual and cultural approaches in the disclosure of the logical-semantic perspective of the current Ukrainian law system of terms is highlighted. In general system of the language the professional language has special terms. The introduction of new terms is living-language process. This requires proper concordance of the semantics of new law terms. It is necessary to improve system of terms and ensure avoid unnecessary emotional disagreements in the lexical meaning of the relevant concepts enshrined in the legislative texts. The examples of new lexemes in the legislative acts and encyclopedic literature, the operation of which requires a professional analysis of lawyers and linguists are presented. Key words: linguistic pragmatics, professional language of jurisprudence, law, term, lexicon.
