ESC Heart Failure (Dec 2020)
A rise in left atrial pressure detected by the V‐LAP™ system for patients with heart failure during the coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic
Abstract During the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID‐19) pandemic, many patients refrained from inpatient medical care. For those inflicted with heart failure (HF), the risk of repeat hospitalizations is particularly high in case of infection. This presents an important opportunity for remote monitoring of haemodynamic data for these patients, in order to detect and treat accordingly. The aim of the present case is to report of the first measurements of a novel wireless left atrial pressure (LAP) monitoring system, the V‐LAP™ (Vectorious Medical Technologies, Ltd), during the COVID‐19 pandemic. The V‐LAP™ Left Atrium Monitoring systEm for Patients With Chronic sysTOlic & Diastolic Congestive heart Failure (VECTOR‐HF) is a first‐in‐man clinical study assessing the safety and feasibility of the V‐LAP™ monitoring system. Our first patient, a 59‐year‐old man with severe ischaemic cardiomyopathy (left ventricular ejection fraction −30%) was enrolled prior to the COVID‐19 outbreak. As per protocol, both the patient and the medical team were blinded to the results in the first 3 months after implantation. We were able to witness the LAP during the pandemic, as the patient remained undertreated, demonstrating a gradual increase from a mean pressure of 6.56 to 19.4 mmHg, as well as prominent V waves, before the data became available to the medical team and the patient was treated accordingly. Thereafter, pressures have returned to low values. This case demonstrated the feasibility of remote monitoring of LAP using the V‐LAP™ system, as well as the potential benefit of remote care of HF patients.