INCAS Bulletin (Mar 2022)
The Truth on Gravity and Terrestrial Global Warming. Part 1: The Quantum Gravity Field
Although during the last century both experimental and computational technology progress has accumulated solid factual information on the deeper knowledge of our actual world, the previous approaches derived in most cases from the unfinished Einstein’s theory of gravity using untrue models for the torsion tensor, have failed to explain the gravitational and precessional aspects, causally connected with the morphogenesis of matter engendered by the bending of light. The torsion/ twisted process during the refrigeration of hot matter (lava) is essential for the understanding of gravitation phenomena as embodied/ gravitized mass occurring at the polarization of light. The Lorentz polarized field concept, (4π/3)P(Ker), associated with a quantum partition kernel, Ker = (1/2, 2/3, 3/4), of the light polarization for radiant energy, mass and gravity, respectively, is generalized for the regenerative matter, including the polarization of time as absolute/orbital time and relative/ precessional time (or the half-life of a regenerative substance). The laws of the Sun like regenerative material systems are given and also the explanations of the quantum origin of gravity along with certain aberration of light in its field are considered.