In die Skriflig (Jun 2015)
Eksegese en prediking: Romeine 7:14−25 as toetsgeval
Eksegese is nie ’n eksakte wetenskap nie. Dikwels is meer as een geldige lesing van die teks moontlik. Dit bring mee dat predikers dikwels keuses tussen eksegetiese opsies moet uitoefen. Romeine 7:14-25 is so ’n geval. Dit word allerweë erken as ’n crux interpretum. Die eksegetiese opsies wissel oor die identiteit van die ‘ek’ in hierdie perikoop, asook oor die stadium in die ‘ek’ se lewe – vóór of ná sy bekering. Hierdie artikel beredeneer die eksegetiese opsie datPaulus hier oor sy lewe praat vóór hy ’n volgeling van Christus geword het. Vervolgens word aangetoon watter implikasies dit vir die prediking het. Exegesis and preaching: Romans 7:14-25 as test case. Exegesis is not an exact science. Often, more than one valid reading of the text is possible. This results in preachers often having to choose between exegetical options. Romans 7:14-25 is a case in point. It is widely recognised as a crux interpretum. The exegetical options vary on the identity of the ‘I’ in this pericope as well as on the stage in the life of the ‘I’ – whether before or after his conversion. This article argues the exegetical option that Paul is speaking here about his life before he became a follower of Christ. Subsequently the implications this choice holds for preaching on this pericope is discussed.