Environment Conservation Journal (Dec 2014)
Effect of temperature on the occurrence of Desmids in a lentic water body of Bhopal district, M.P. with reference to seasonal variation in the physico- chemical parameters
The aim of the study was to assess the effect of temperature on the occurrence of desmids on a lentic waterbody viz. Jawahar Bal Udhyan Pond situated in northern direction of the Bhopal district with reference to its seasonal variation in physico-chemical parameters. Water temperature of the lentic water body varied between 16.2°C to 31.9°C in winter and summer season respectively. During the present study period a total of 18 desmid taxa of 6 genera were encountered in which Cosmarium dominated in terms of species diversity. Desmids occurred maximum in winter season i.e., from December to February and minimum in post monsoon season i.e., from October and November. Different species of Closterium, Euastrum, Staurastrum, Pleurotaenium, and Sphaerozosma are considered as pollution tolerant species and the presence of all these species and result of physico-chemical parameters indicates the meso-eutrophic condition of the waterbody.