Nutrición Hospitalaria (Nov 2012)
Presencia y adecuación de la terminología sobre desórdenes nutricionales y trastornos de la conducta alimentaria en las ediciones española e inglesa de la Wikipedia Presence and adequacy of the nutritional and eating disorders terminology in the Spanish and English editions of the Wikipedia
Objetivo: Determinar la presencia y analizar la adecuación de los descriptores sobre los desordenes nutricionales y trastornos de la conducta alimentaria en la Wikipedia en español e inglés. Método: Los términos se obtuvieron de los Thesauros: Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) y APA-Terms. Se constató la existencia de la terminología accediendo, vía Internet, a las ediciones española e inglesa de la Wikipedia ( La fecha final de la consulta y cálculos fue el 8 de junio de 2012. Resultado: Se identificaron un total de 89 Descriptores, encontrándose 56 (62,92%) de ellos como términos en la Wikipedia: 42 (47,19%) en la edición española y 56 (62,92%) en la inglesa. Existiendo diferencias significativas entre las dos ediciones (chi-cuadrado = 9,41; gl = 1; p Objective: To determine the presence and to assess the adequacy of the nutritional and eating disorders descriptors in the English and Spanish Wikipedia. Method: The terms were obtained from the thesaurus: Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) and APA-Terms. The existence of the terms was confirmed accessing to the Spanish and English editions of Wikipedia via the Internet ( The last date for consultation and calculations was June 8, 2012. Results: A total of 89 descriptors were identified, being 56 (62.92%) of them as terms in the Wikipedia: 42 (47.19%) in the Spanish edition and 56 (62.92%) in English. Significant differences between the two editions were assessed (chi-square = 9.41, df = 1, P <0.001). At the same time, differences between both editions according to the number of references in each term were observed (t-Student = -2,43; gl = 84,87; p = 0,017). However, there were not differences in the status of information being update/obsolete, neither in the number of queries. Conclusions: the entries related to nutritional and eating disorders terms have not yet reached an optimum level. Differences between english and spanish Wikipedia editions are more related to criteria of content principles (term existence) than adequacy of information. The English edition of Wikipedia has a more scientific endorsement, through the references cited, than the Spanish edition.