Annals of Business Administrative Science (Oct 2015)
Criticisms on “the Innovator’s Dilemma” Being in a Dilemma
The Innovator’s Dilemma (Christensen, 1997) has been cited in many studies since Christensen published it in 1997. Some of these studies have advocated that concepts such as “dynamic capability,” “ambidexterity,” and “market orientation” can be used to overcome the environmental changes caused by the innovator’s dilemma. However, these studies are categorized into two general types that are not logical refutations: (a) those which merely suggest the concept without suggesting an opposing example, and (b) those which do not demonstrate that a trajectory disruption has occurred even when suggesting an example. We must demonstrate that a trajectory disruption has occurred and then suggest a case in which the environmental changes were mitigated to suggest an example of overcoming the innovator’s dilemma. However, arguments exist that doubt Christensen’s concept of trajectory disruption, indicating that the arguments are not facile.