Indian Journal of Community Medicine (Apr 2024)
IJCM_99A: Risk Factors Associated with Polyhydramnios among Pregnant Women in Mangalore: A Case Control Study
Background: The amniotic fluid volume is maintained by a balance between production (fetal urine and fetal lung fluid) and resorption (swallowing and intramembranous flow). Any imbalance in this process could lead to either oligohydramnios or polyhydramnios. The incidence of polyhydramnios varies from 1-2%. It is a significant obstetric condition, the etiology of which is still largely unknown. The underlying maternal factors include diabetes mellitus, pregnancy induced hypertension, twin pregnancy, negative Rh factor, cardiac and renal diseases. The study aims to study the risk factors associated with polyhydramnios among the women seeking maternal health care in the study hospitals and to assess the socio-demographic correlates of polyhydramnios among the study population. Methodology: The study was conducted in the Government Lady Goschen Hospital and Kasturba Medical College Attavar, among 66 cases (Pregnant women admitted with polyhydramnios) and 132 controls(age matched pregnant women admitted to the study hospitals during the study period). Odds ratio was calculated, Chi square test was used to compare the groups. Results: Proportion of anemia among our cases was 20% and control was 25.6%. 7.6% of the cases were associated with hypertensive disorders of pregnancy and 0.8% of controls had hypertensive disorders. 12.1% of polyhydramnios cases with Gestational Diabetes Mellitus Conclusion: Majority of the polyhydramnios cases were in the age group 20-29 years. The proportion of Diabetes Mellitus, hypertension, Rh negative pregnancies, malpresentation were higher among polyhydramnios cases. The association was significant for hypertension.