E3S Web of Conferences (Jan 2019)
Improvement of the weight-and-dimensional control within the environmentally friendly transport system development
The purpose of the research is to estimate the opportunities to promote the transport systems development by the means of introduction of weight-and-dimensional control and improvement of its methods. The existing methods of weight-and-dimensional control are considered. Advantages and disadvantages of the systems in comparison are revealed. According to the research, such results as the reduction of cases of excesses of admissible mass of freight, collecting additional income for the regional budget, the decrease in the destroying impact on highways, the decrease in the expenses on their repair as well as providing sources for financing of such repair, the decrease in ecological harm from driving of overloaded vehicles, the increase in traffic safety, the reduction of quantity of accidents and life losses caused by driving of the overloaded vehicles are possible. Nevertheless, the analyses of the domestic practice prove that some problems of the organization of weight-and-dimensional control exist. The author offers some measures for the solution of these problems. The results of the research can be used both by the specialists of Ministry of Transport, when drawing up the programmes of the transport system development and during approval of rules and standards of freights transportation, and by the transporters, when planning their activity.