IEEE Access (Jan 2022)
A Secure and Resilient Scheme for Telecare Medical Information Systems With Threat Modeling and Formal Verification
Telecare Medical Information Systems (TMIS) is a highly focused and unique domain providing healthcare services remotely, the development and advancement in the realm of information and communication technologies boosted the development of TMIS. Smartphones, IoT devices, Mobile Healthcare Applications (MHA) and hospital servers are the building blocks of TMIS. Emergen Research predicts that IoT based healthcare security market will reach USD 5.52 Billion in 2028. Existing IoT based healthcare solutions are facing many security problems which includes information leakage, false authentication, key loss and are not in compliance with Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) regulations as IoT devices and sensors used are prone to Blue Borne, DoS (Denial of Service), DDoS (Distributed Denial of Service) and Reverse-engineering attacks. In addition to these healthcare applications in the IoT devices/sensors and mobile healthcare applications in the smart phone of the patient are vulnerable to repackaging attacks and lacked transport layer protection. This paper proposes a SRSTMIS (Secure and Resilient Scheme for Telecare Medical Information Systems) containing its architecture, a procedure to verify the safety and security of patients credentials and Mobile Healthcare Applications (MHA) and finally proposed a secure protocol. White-Box Cryptography (WBC) ensures the safety and security of the keys in the healthcare applications and in the SE, UICC and TPM. We have threat modeled our proposed healthcare framework using STRIDE approach and successfully verified using Microsoft Threat Modeling tool 2016. Our proposed secure and lightweight authentication scheme has been successfully verified with BAN (Burrows, Abadi, and Needham) logic and Scyther tool, and our proposed protocol overcome DoS (Denial of Service), multi-protocol attack, Blue Borne attack, DDoS (Distributed Denial of Service) attack, reverse engineering, insider, outsider and Phlashing attacks. SRSTMIS overcomes information leakage from sensors during rest and during transit, key loss from healthcare applications of the sensors and smart phone and false authentication and ensures HIPAA regulations. Proposed protocol was successfully implemented in Android Studio. We have compared our proposed work with the existing works and found to better in terms of security, resisting attacks, and in consumption of resources.