Geodetski Vestnik (Jan 2012)

Vodna infrastruktura in zemljiški kataster ; Water infrastructure and land cadastre

  • Joc Triglav

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 56, no. 4
pp. 674 – 690


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In the paper we present some illustrative examples from the Prekmurje region that are related to the issue of registration of water infrastructure in the land cadastre. The Prekmurje region is known among surveyors for the fact that it has a much higher geolocation quality of land cadastre in comparison with the rest of Slovenia. Surveyors are usually able to take this fact into account correctly in their work, but unfortunately this does not apply to other public services, which are responsible for specific areas of environmental management, such as water management and transport infrastructure management, records of agricultural actual use, etc. With the presented examples, we first show the damaging consequences of breaching the rules and facts of land cadastre in the management of water infrastructure facilities. Next, we present the beneficial consequences of compliance with land cadastre rules and facts in the case of extensive flow reconstruction of Kučnica stream on the state border with Austria and its recording in land cadastre. The main purpose of the presented cases is to help the competent managers of water infrastructure in Slovenia to understand better and adhere strictly to the fundamental role of land cadastre in the spatial management ; V članku predstavljamo nekaj nazornih primerov z območja Prekmurja, ki se navezujejo na problematiko evidentiranja vodne infrastrukture v zemljiškem katastru. Prekmurje je med geodeti znano po tem, da ima precej višjo geolokacijsko kakovost zemljiškega katastra kot preostala Slovenija. Geodeti to pri svojem delu praviloma znajo upoštevati, kar pa žal ne velja za druge javne službe, ki so pristojne za posamezna področja prostorskega upravljanja, kot so upravljanje vodne in prometne infrastrukture, evidence kmetijske dejanske rabe idr. S primeri bomo najprej ponazorili škodljive posledice neupoštevanja zemljiškokatastrskih pravil in dejstev pri upravljanju objektov vodne infrastrukture, nato pa predstavili koristi upoštevanja zemljiškokatastrskih pravil in dejstev na primeru obsežnega urejanja in katastrskega evidentiranja mejnega potoka Kučnica na državni meji z Avstrijo. Osnovni namen predstavljene problematike je, da pristojni upravljavci vodne infrastrukture v Sloveniji spoznajo in dosledno upoštevajo temeljno vlogo zemljiškega katastra v prostorskem upravljanju.
