Cogent Food & Agriculture (Dec 2024)
Agronomic performances, yield and nutritional values of lupin grain varieties at Gircha research center, Gamo Highlands
Lupin is a multipurpose legume used for food and feed. However, its production is limited to the northern and northwest highlands of Ethiopia. It is important to evaluate productivity of different varieties in different locations of the country. Therefore, this experiment aimed to evaluate agronomic performances, yield and nutritional values of lupin grain varieties in Gamo Highlands, southern Ethiopia. The field experiment consisting of three treatments (varieties) with five replications arranged in randomized complete block design (RCBD). The experiment was carried out for two consecutive rainy seasons. Data on plant height, days to flowering, days to maturity, number of tillers and pods (plant-1), pod length, seeds per pod, grain yield and thousand grains mass (g) was collected. Plant height (cm) at maturity for sanabor variety (86) was significantly higher (p < 0.05) than plant height of the local (79.7) and vitabor (78.9) varieties. Days to flowering was significantly different (p < 0.001) between varieties. Number of tillers per plant was higher (p < 0.05) for sanabor (7.79) as compared to Vitabor (6.11) and local variety (4.74). Straw dry matter yield (t/h) of the local (4.06) and sanabor (3.85) varieties were higher than Vitabor (3.41). Grain yield (t/h) of 4.74, 4.08 and 3.75 were recorded for local, sanabor and Vitabor varieties. The cost benefit analysis indicated that growing sanabor variety has the highest net return and profitable. From the biomass perspective/feed value, growing the local variety is recommended.