Jurnal Theorems (The Original Research of Mathematics) (Jan 2019)


  • Dudu Suhandi Saputra, Yuyu Yuliati, Fajar Pamungkas

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 3, no. 2
pp. 134 – 140


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ABSTRAKPenelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh rendahnya pemahaman matematis siswa pada pembelajaran matematika. Subjek penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas IV SDN Sunia III, sebanyak 21 siswa terdiri dari 12 siswa laki-laki dan 9 siswa perempuan. Teknik yang digunakan dalam pengumpulan data diantaranya tes, observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan dalam 3 siklus dengan 3 tindakan pada tiap siklusnya. Hasil penelitian menunjukan adanya peningkatan kemampuan matematis siswa kelas IV Sekolah dasar. Hal ini ditunjukkan dengan adanya peningkatan nilai pada siklus I, nilai rata-rata kelas yang diperoleh siswa adalah 56,04 sedangkan persentase ketuntasan belajar klaksikal (mastery learning) adalah47,6% atau 10 orang siswa yang mencapai KKM dan 52,4% atau 11 orang siswa berada dibawah KKM.Pada siklus II, nilai rata-rata kelas kelas yang diperoleh siswa adalah 69,6 sedangkan persentase ketuntasan belajar klaksikal (mastery learning) adalah71,4%atau 15 orang siswa yang mencapai KKM dan 28,6% atau 6 orang siswa berada dibawah KKM. Pada siklus III, nilai rata-rata kelas yang diperoleh siswa adalah 76,5 sedangkan persentase ketuntasan belajar klaksikal (mastery learning) adalah 90,4% atau 19 orang siswa yang mencapai KKM dan 9,6% atau 2 orang siswa berada dibawah KKM.Secara umum dapat disimpulkan, bahwadalam meningkatkan pemahaman matematis siswa di kelas IV sekolah dasar dapat dengan menggunakan model RME (Realistic Mathematics Education).Kata kunci: model rme, pemahaman matematis siswa. ABSTRACTThis research is motivated by the low mathematical understanding of students in mathematics learning. The subjects of this study were fourth grade students of SDN Sunia III, as many as 21 students consisting of 12 male students and 9 female students. The techniques used in data collection include tests, observations, interviews, and documentation. This research was conducted in 3 cycles with 3 actions in each cycle. The results of the study showed an increase in mathematical abilities of grade IV elementary school students. This is indicated by an increase in the value of the first cycle, the average grade obtained by students is 56.04 while the percentage of mastery learning is 47.6% or 10 students who reach the KKM and 52.4% or 11 students are under the KKM. In the second cycle, the average grade of the class obtained by students was 69.6 while the percentage of mastery learning was 71.4% or 15 students who reached the KKM and 28.6% or 6 students were under the KKM. In the third cycle, the class average value obtained by students was 76.5 while the percentage of mastery learning was 90.4% or 19 students who reached the KKM and 9.6% or 2 students were under the KKM. In general it can be concluded, that in improving mathematical understanding of students in grade IV elementary school can use the RME (Realistic Mathematics Education) model.Keywords: rme model, student mathematical understanding.