International Islamic University Malaysia Engineering Journal (Jan 2024)


  • S. M. A. Motakabber,
  • Khadiza Akter,
  • AHM Zahirul Alam,
  • Siti Hajar Binti Yusoff

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 25, no. 1


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DC-DC converters with significant gain, ripple-free input current, and shared ground are required to elevate the output voltages of batteries, fuel cells, and Photovoltaic sources. The proposed topology utilizes a solitary switch to control the circuit and it has additional inculpation of a voltage doubler cell at the load side, a switch capacitor cell in the middle, and a quadratic cell at the output side. These cascaded configurations lead to significant voltage gains at moderate duty cycle rates. Additionally, the voltage stress over the power components is negligible, coming in under one-third of the resultant voltage. Moreover, the number of cells at the input and output side can be extended to obtain high voltage according to the requirements of the load. The gain in voltage, efficiency, and normalized voltage stress of the semiconductor elements in the circuit are examined concerning other solutions found in the literature. Eventually, photovoltaic and battery sources were included to analyze the proposed topology to confirm the circuit’s multifaceted functionality. The circuit was developed for 270 W, 440 V output from 36 V input, and a 40 kHz switching pulse was used to drive the switch. The theoretical and simulation analysis states that incorporating photovoltaic and other sources did not deteriorate the transformation efficiency. Simulink and PSIM analysis found that the circuit successfully transferred power from source to load. ABSTRAK: Penukar DC-DC yang mempunyai gandaan ketara, input arus bebas riak dan pembumi berkongsi penting bagi meningkatkan voltan keluar bateri, sel bahan api dan sumber fotovolta. Topologi yang dicadangkan ini menggunakan suis tersendiri bagi mengawal litar dan ia mengandungi sel pendua voltan tambahan bagi menghentikan arus di bahagian beban, sel suis kapasitor di tengah dan sel kuadratik di bahagian voltan keluar. Konfigurasi berturutan ini membawa kepada gandaan voltan ketara pada kadar kitar tugas sederhana. Tambahan, tekanan voltan ke atas komponen kuasa boleh diabaikan, iaitu satu pertiga daripada voltan terhasil. Selain itu, bilangan sel di bahagian kemasukan dan keluaran arus boleh dilanjutkan bagi mendapatkan voltan tinggi mengikut keperluan beban. Gandaan voltan, kecekapan dan tekanan voltan ternormal pada bahan dalam litar semikonduktor diperiksa dengan menyamai penyelesaian lain yang ditemui dalam kajian terdahulu. Akhirnya, sumber fotovolta dan bateri dimasukkan bagi menganalisis topologi yang dicadangkan bagi mengesahkan fungsi pelbagai rupa litar. Litar yang dibangunkan ini digunakan pada kuasa 270 W, pada aras voltan 440 V dengan kemasukan voltan 36 V dan suis operasi berfrekuensi 40 kHz. Analisis teori dan simulasi menyatakan bahawa gabungan fotovolta dan sumber lain tidak mengurangkan kecekapan transformasi. Analisis Simulink dan PSIM mendapati litar ini berjaya memindahkan 95% kuasa dari sumber kepada beban.
