Check List (Jan 2006)
Fish, Piquiri River, Upper Paraná River Basin, Paraná State, Brazil
The Piquiri River hydrographic basin includes adrainage area of 31,000 km2. Headwaters arelocated in the São João Mountains, flowing 485km until the Paraná River. The most importanttributaries of the right margin are the rivers Goioerê,Tricolor and Cantú, while in the left marginthe rivers Sapucaí and Melissa stand out. Sixsamplings were done between October 2002 andSeptember 2003, in three sampling sites(Campina, Apertado and Altônia) along thePiquiri River. Fish species were collected usinggill nets with simple meshes and trammel nets, inaddition to longlines. Considering the entire period,1,667 individuals were collected, belonging to 62species distributed among 21 families and 5orders. A total of 25 species are new registers forthis basin, while 6 were still not formallydescribed, indicating that new species will becaptured in future surveys.