Вісник проблем біології і медицини (Nov 2019)


  • Hryniuk S. V.

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 1, no. 4
pp. 264 – 269


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A large number of employees of the mining and metallurgical complex (MMC), working under conditions of high levels of general vibration, arise and develop (according to the results of our previous researches) from 2 to 5 chronic diseases such as: atherosclerosis, arterial hypertension, carbohydrate metabolism disorders, radiculopathy and etc. The question arises whether it is age-dependent, or manufacturers-caused by the disease. To date, the difference lies in the fact that the workers subject to the general vibration, painful conditions occur in the years 10-15 earlier than the residents of the region in general. And the chances of getting sick in vibrodangerous professions in 3.1 ± 0.3 * times higher. Aim. To find quantitative criteria for the stress effect of general vibration in patients with vibration disease for differential diagnosis of gerontological and occupational factors of concomitant pathology. Object and methods. Object of the study – Indicators of cardio-hemodynamic and structural-metabolic homeostasis. Analysis was conducted using the mathematical instrument, which is called «Golden» wurf (W), which equals number of 1.309. The assessment was conducted for three cardio-hemodynamic indices of systemic hemodynamics: heart rate per minute (HR), systolic blood pressure (SBP), diastolic blood pressure (DBP); and three structural-metabolic indices: waist volume (WV), hip volume (HV), body weight (W). In order to assess the reserves of adaptation, we stopped by the «Method of determining the biological age of man and aging rate», which is based on the determination of the aging coefficient. The coefficient of speed of aging characterizes the reserves structural-metabolic ((Rsmh)) homeostasis. Reserves of cardio-hemodynamic homeostasis ((Rchh)) assessed the index of functional changes of Bayevsky. The study was conducted on 320 patients with vibration disease. To compare the selected patients with diseases of the nervous system, which were not subjected to harmful effects of vibration and almost healthy employees of quarries of different professions, not related to the action of harmful factors. Results. Analysis of the structure of cardio-hemodynamic and structural-metabolic homeostasis by means of the W indicator for different groups showed the following. If pathological changes caused by stress from harmful levels of vibration, the value W for cardio-hemodynamic and structural-metabolic rates decreases and substantially. While at normal physiological age values W for cardiohemodynamic parameters – increases, and for structural-metabolic – remains within normal limits. That is, the structure of regulatory systems of the employee in the stress-dependent and in age-dependent diseases is different. If the resulting W values for structural-metabolic rates are less than 1.244 and W for cardio-hemodynamic indicators are also smaller than this limit, it means that the leading role in violating the employee’s health is stressed by the effects of harmful levels of general vibration. If W for cardio-hemodynamic indices is higher than 1.348, and W for structural-metabolic parameters within the norm, there are reasons to believe that we are dealing with the agedependent pathology. This technique allows differentiate to painful manifestations from stress and from physiological aging to elderly workers, adjust the calculation of risks in production and preventive measures. The lowest reserve of cardio-hemodynamic homeostasis is for workers suffering from general vibrations and in aging. But the maximum aging rate is for employees who suffer from general vibration and the smallest reserve of structural-metabolic homeostasis, as opposed to workers with normal aging. The average values of rates of aging rate of ageing are authentically (P = 0,03) are different in patients with VD with the leading influence of vibrations and patients with VD with physiological aging and almost healthy workers exposed to the harmful effects of the general vibration. Thus, with physiological aging prevail vegetative homeostasis, ie homeostasis can be saved by activating the energy mechanisms by increasing the tone of the sympathetic nervous system, and in vibration disease – prevail changes in cardio-hemodynamic and structural-metabolic homeostasis. Conclusions. A rule is suggested for practical use: if the obtained W values for structural-metabolic rates are less than 1.244 and W for cardio-hemodynamics indicators are also smaller than this limit, it means that the leading role in violating health plays stress from the effects of harmful general vibration levels. If the obtained W for cardio-hemodynamics indicators higher than 1.348, and W for structural-metabolic rates within the norm, there are reasons to believe that we have age-dependent pathology.
