Проблемы особо опасных инфекций (Jun 2008)
The Tendency of Plague Morbidity Dynamics in the World
The analysis of sickness rate carried out from 1984 to 2007 revealed the complicated epidemiologic situation with plague in the world, especially during the period of 1991-2003. The most strained situation formed in Africa. During the analyzed period the tendency to increase the plague incidence in the world - 2.4-fold, in Africa - 4.1-fold and to decrease in America - 11.1-fold and in Asia - 1.7-fold was observed. Uneven character of plague cases distribution in the world was determined: 80.1 % of cases were registered in Africa, 14.1 % - in Asia and 5.8 % - in America. From 1990 to 2006 10 local outbreaks of pneumonic plague were registered in the world: 4 - in Asia, 5 - in Africa and 1 - in America.