MicrobiologyOpen (Nov 2020)
Dynamic change of the gastrointestinal bacterial ecology in cows from birth to adulthood
Abstract The gut microbiota plays multiple critical roles in maintaining the health of the host, especially in ruminants. However, our understanding of the establishment of gut microbiota from birth to adulthood is still limited. To address this, the bacterial ecology of the rumen, abomasum, duodenum, and rectum in Holstein cows ranging in age from 1 week to 5 years old was investigated using 16S rRNA gene sequencing in this study. A major change in the composition, diversity, and abundance of bacteria was observed with increased age (p 0.94) were applied. Importantly, the Gompertz model parameter differed between the gut segments, with the highest microbiota growth rate found in the rectum, followed by the rumen, abomasum, and duodenum. Compared to older animals, greater microbiota similarities were found in the adjacent gut segments of younger animals (p < 0.05). Our findings indicate that gut microbiotas are established quickly when cows are young and then slow with age and that early in life, hindgut microbiota may be more easily affected by the foregut microbiota.