Интеллект. Инновации. Инвестиции (Oct 2021)
An attempt at a holistic definition of the concept of «environment» in the context of Karl Marx's philosophical anthropology
The article attempts a broad (philosophical) definition of the concept of «environment». The relevance of this attempt is due to the fact that in the modern ecological discourse there is a narrow understanding of the environment, which is mainly reduced to the concept of nature. This one-dimensionality leads to the fact that the analysis of environmental problems does not take into account the multilateral dialectical interrelationships between a person and the whole environment in which he exists. Based on the philosophical and anthropological ideas of Karl Marx, the author shows that in the process of carrying out his activity (praxis), a person, entering into metabolic relations with nature (which acts as the «inorganic human body», his life means and an irreparable condition for his existence), transforms this nature (natürliche Welt) and thereby creates its «second nature» — the surrounding cultural environment (Umwelt). But since praxis is always carried out together with Others, relations with them form the world of people — the social environment (Mitwelt), which, being internalized in the psyche of the individual, forms his own world — the existential environment (Eigenwelt). Thus, the environment, understood in such a broad sense, is an integral, internally interconnected system of three worlds: animate and inanimate nature (natürliche Welt), material and spiritual culture (Umwelt) and human society (Mitwelt), through relations with which and there is a man and his own inner existential world (I, Eigenwelt). As a result, the author concludes that for a full-fledged and harmonious existence of a person himself, it is necessary, within the framework of a philosophical and ecological worldview and lifestyle, to treat with thrifty care not only the natural environment, but also human society and human culture, thanks to which a person exists as a person, for all these worlds — nature, society and culture — constitute the home (οἶκος) in which man lives.