Zhongguo youzhi (Jun 2023)
未成熟与成熟大豆油的成分及低温结晶特性分析Analysis of oil component and low temperature crystallization characteristics of immature and mature soybean
为研究大豆原料对油脂品质的影响,选取同一批次的未成熟与成熟大豆为原料,采用索氏抽提法提取大豆油,分析未成熟与成熟大豆油在理化指标、甘油酯及脂肪酸组成、微量组分组成及含量、低温结晶特性等方面的差异。结果表明:未成熟大豆油的酸值、过氧化值、茴香胺值、全氧化值、共轭二烯值均显著高于成熟大豆油的;与成熟大豆油相比,未成熟大豆油中二饱和一不饱和脂肪酸甘三酯含量升高了22%,其甘三酯、甘一酯、1,2-甘二酯、1,3-甘二酯的饱和脂肪酸含量增加了12%左右,并且其甘二酯含量是成熟大豆油的1.4倍;未成熟大豆油中磷脂酸含量是成熟大豆油的3.2倍,总生育酚、总甾醇含量比成熟大豆油分别降低了8.2%、13.0%,叶绿素含量是成熟大豆油的206.3倍;未成熟大豆油比成熟大豆油更容易结晶,在0 ℃时出现浑浊的时间更早,在-20、-15 ℃ 时的固体脂肪含量更高,并且其微晶形成及固态转变的温度更高,这可能与其含有较多的饱和脂肪酸、高熔点甘三酯及甘二酯有关。因此,在实际生产中应尽量减少未成熟大豆原料的占比,以提高成品油的品质。 In order to study the effects of soybean raw materials on oil quality, Soxhlet extraction method was used to extract oil from immature and mature soybean in the same batch, and the differences in physicochemical indexes, glyceride and fatty acid composition, trace components composition and contents,and low temperature crystallization characteristics of immature and mature soybean oil were analyzed. The results showed that the acid value, peroxide value, anisidine value, total oxidation value and conjugated diene value of immature soybean oil were significantly higher than those of mature soybean oil. Compared with mature soybean oil, the contents of disaturated monounsaturated fatty acid triglyceride in immature soybean oil increased by 22%, the contents of saturated fatty acids of triglyceride, monoglyceride, 1,2-diacylglycerol, 1,3-diacylglycerol in immature soybean oil increased by about 12%, and the content of diacylglycerol was 1.4 times of that in mature soybean oil. The content of phospholipid acid in immature soybean oil was 3.2 times of that in mature soybean oil, the contents of total tocopherol and total sterol decreased by 8.2% and 13.0% respectively, and the chlorophyll content was 206.3 times of that in mature soybean oil.In addition, immature soybean oil crystallized more easily than mature soybean oil, the turbidity time was earlier at 0 ℃, the solid fat content was larger at -20 ℃ and -15 ℃, and the temperature of microcrystalline formation and solid phase transition was higher, which might be related to the higher contents of saturated fatty acids, high melting point triglyceride and diacylglycerol.In actual production, the proportion of immature soybean in raw materials should be minimized to improve the quality of the finished oil.