Analele Ştiinţifice ale Universităţii "Al.I. Cuza" din Iaşi. Ştiinţe Juridice (Feb 2022)

Abordări doctrinare și jurisprudențiale privind infracțiunile de corupție // Doctrinal and practical approaches to corruption offences

  • Alexei Barbăneagră,
  • Petru Boloș

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 68, no. 2
pp. 163 – 180


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Preventing and combating the corruption facts, the promoting standards of ethics and integrity, must represent one of the most important objectives of justice for achieving of a legal climate meant to guide the civil and political society towards new paths of economic and social progress. Corruption is a scourge of the contemporary world, manifesting itself fully on the plan economic, administrative, legal and political, harming the normal development of relations from these fields. In order for an act of corruption to constitute a crime and, therefore, to be subject to criminal sanctions, it must meet the elements provided by the criminal law. Crimes through which corruption is committed are included in the Romanian Criminal Code in Title V “Crimes of corruption and service”, Chapter I “Crimes of corruption” [15]: “Taking bribes” (art. 289), “Bribery ”(Art. 290),“ Trafficking in influence ”(art. 291),“ Buying influence ”(art. 292),“ Deeds committed by or in connection with the members of the arbitral tribunals ”(art. 293), "Deeds committed by foreign officials or in connection with them" (art. 294). In the old Criminal Code, in a broader sense, corruption is not contained in a specific article, but we find the crimes that are limited to corruption in the current Criminal Code.
