臺灣教育社會學研究 (Jun 2016)
為何不傾聽學生的聲音?學生課程觀及其對課程研究的啟示 Why not Listen to Students? Student Perspectives on School Curriculum and Their Implications for Curriculum Research
過去的課程研究忽略學生的觀點,本文認為學生課程觀可以引領新的課程研究議題,對課程實務亦有諸多啟示。第一借用符號互動論對觀點的定義,提出學生課程觀的意義,第二說明描述學生課程觀的方法與架構,第三從學生觀點出發,可以開展幾個課程研究的重要範疇,包括非學校場域的課程運作、課堂中的未經驗課程、課程科層體制化、課程實務的運用等。本文認為,課程運作是跨越學校內與學校外,其主要關鍵在非學校場域的部分,課程為階級再製工具的思維過度簡化需要重新檢討。 Curriculum research has ignored students’ perspectives for more than 50 years. This article sets out to fill this gap and consider the implications for curriculum practice. Based on ethnographic data, several new research issues are outlined, including out-of-school curriculum practice, the “nonexperienced curriculum” in classroom settings, curriculum bureaucratization, and new ideas for curriculum practice. This article argues that curriculum implementation takes place both within and outside of school settings, with the most critical parts being those occurring outside of the classroom, increasing the achievement gap between students of high and low social status. In school, curriculum bureaucratization limits the development of high achieving students, who come mainly from families of high social status. The notion of curriculum, or schooling, as a mechanism for social reproduction should be reexamined.