The Holistic Approach to Environment (Feb 2021)
Medical waste management at different hospitals of Anand and nearby areas
The increased number of hospitals with rising number of beds generate about 1.5 to 2 kg waste per day and per bed. This gives an insight about the volumes of waste generated from the government and private sector hospitals per day. Therefore, the hospital waste management is of utmost importance in the present public health scenario, where the occurrence and recurrence of the infectious diseases is a major public threat. The objective of this research was to find out how hospitals can benefit from improving medical waste management practices. In the questionnaire, survey questions were formulated for gathering data. The questionnaire was designed in such a way that it can provide general information about the hospital staff along with their knowledge about the medical waste and their concern regarding the waste disposal-training program. It was found that the importance was being laid on proper waste disposal only and much less focus was given on waste minimization and recycling of the waste. The study has found that the city can benefit both environmentally and economically by improving the medical waste management at different hospitals.