Репродуктивная эндокринология (May 2019)
Clinical features and complex therapy of urogenital trichomoniasis in women and men
Actuality of problem. Worldwide, there is an increase in the incidence of inflammatory diseases of the urinary organs caused by Trichomonas vaginalis, in 20–30% of women and in 7–10% of men. The peculiarity of the current course of trichomoniasis is the predominance of low-symptom forms and the difficulty of diagnosis. The problem of treating trichomoniasis in women and men remains particularly relevant, due to frequent relapses and the emergence of strains of trichomonads with resistance to antiprotozoal drugs. Aim of the study. To study the clinical features and course of trichomoniasis. To evaluate the effectiveness of complex treatment of trichomonas infection in women and men with the use of antiprotozoal drugs of general and local action. Materials and methods. Patients with urogenital trichomonas infection were under observation, vaginal trichomonas were revealed during examination in 65.3% women and in 34.7% men. Diagnostics was carried out using microscopy and seeding of pathological material on nutrient media using standard techniques. Study results and discussion. Trichomoniasis course and clinical forms in women and men have been studied. The anamnestic data testifying to the failure of the previous urogenital trichomonas infection treatment by various medications were analyzed. The complex treatment with systemic and local antiprotozoal drugs has been carried out. The proposed therapy effectiveness has been proven, that was manifested in the majority of patients by clinical and etiological recovery, a significant decrease in recurrence value. Conclusion. Diagnosis of trichomoniasis requires a comprehensive laboratory study. Our proposed method of treating urogenital trichomoniasis with the use of specific antiprotozoal drugs with systemic action Samitol® (secnidazole) and Orgil® (ornidazole), and antiprotozoal drugs with local action (vaginal suppositories Gainex® forte, Gainex®, Mistol®) allowed to significantly increase the therapy effectiveness in most patients and significantly reduces the recurrence value, that is gives grounds to recommend this method for widespread use in practical health service.