The effective use of biologically active substance that belongs to hydrolyse class “Lysozyme G3” in the composition of pigs premix
This article presents the results of the effective use of biologically active substance that belongs to hydrolyse class “Lysozyme G3” in the composition of pigs premix. New premix that can balance the main grains in pigs feeding has been developed. The main grains are wheat, corn, barley. These compounds are included into pigs feeding ration and they are the main crops in the South of Ukraine. The effect of using this new premix that contains the enzyme preparation “Lysozyme G3” for fattening pigs was also investigated. The productive effect of enzyme preparation in the rations with the same nutritional value for fattening pigs and its effect on the nutrients digestibility were studied. Experimental research activities were conducted at the agricultural enterprise “Avangard-D” LLC, Ovidiopol District, Odessa Oblast. The changes in live weight, as well as gains of fattening pigs at the age of 4, 5, 6 and 7 months were studied in the scientific and economical experience. During the main period (120 days), the increase in pigs live weight was observed in all groups. Thus, in the control group, this indicator changed from 27.8 to 107 kg; in II experimental group – from 28.1 to 109.2; in III experimental group – from 28.0 to 111.7 kg. When removing animals from fattening, the difference in live weight between the III experimental and control groups was 4.4% and it was statistically significant (P > 0.95). The average daily gains in piglets of II and III experimental groups significantly exceeded the indices of control one by 2.4% and 5.7%, respectively. The nutrients digestibility in animals of all experimental groups was studied to analyze more carefully. The analysis of digestibility indices in pigs rations during experiment (when pigs are fed with premix that contains biologically active substance Lysozyme G3), and its content in the ration indicated that nutrient digestibility indices had changed into the direction of increase. Feed consumption was calculated after analyzing these indices. Thus, the smallest feed consumption per unit of live weight gain was established in the third experimental group, where it was 3.2 feed units and was less in comparison with animals of the control group by 3.4%. During scientific and economical researches, blood samples were taken from animals of the first control group and the third experimental one for morphological and biochemical studies. It was found that the blood parameters of experimental animals during the entire period of fattening were within the physiological norm. The amount of protein in the blood indicates that animals of experimental group have higher growth rate by 10.9%. The economic indicators directly reflected above mentioned facts when the calculation of the economic part of the research were carried out. Thus, we got 1870.5 UAH from the first group, 1934.3 UAH from the second group, 1989.4 UAH from the third group, selling products from one head. Accordingly, the level of profitability of pork production was: in the first group (control) – 13.5; in the second (1 kg/ton of premix) – 16.5%; in the third (2 kg/ton of premix) – 19.8%.