臺灣教育社會學研究 (Dec 2014)
臺灣性別與情感教育研究之回顧分析:知識生產的挑戰與展望 A Review of Research on Gender and Relationship Education in Taiwan : The Challenge of Knowledge Production
本文回顧《性別平等教育法》通過後,本土性別與情感教育研究的進展,透過論述分析檢視教育領域生產出的知識與研究成果。本研究發現,參與論文產製的系所雖多,但研究問題的同質性高,且多不具性別分析觀點;多數研究過度偏重從個人層面來理解情感關係,缺少對政策、制度的探討成果,而因應社會結構與環境變遷的情感教育研究更是匱乏。對青少年情感關係的研究,形構出「預測交往」、「預防危險」及「警告青少女」論述;而性別觀點的探究深度不足,更是近十年以來情感教育研究發展的困境,但若能對症下藥加以改善也可說是轉機。最後,本研究根據研究結果提出三點建議,包括未來研究方向與議題、理論與方法論的擴充,及知識生產單位的社會責任。 The Gender Equity Education Act was proclaimed in Taiwan in 2004. Through discourse analyses, this paper attempts to review the development of research on gender and relationship education in Taiwan over nearly a decade since the bill was passed, including the subjects generated, the knowledge accumulated, and the results achieved. The findings indicate that lack of a gender perspective has been a crucial obstacle to the development of relationship education and research in Taiwan for nearly a decade. However, addressing this problem could also be an opportunity to achieve improvement. Recommendations based on the results and suggestions for future studies are provided.