交大法學評論 (Mar 2022)

國民法官選任程序之操作方法 ──以美國陪審制為借鏡 The Application of the Lay Judge Selection Process: Comparing with American Juries

  • 金孟華 Mong-Hwa Chin

Journal volume & issue
no. 10
pp. 99 – 129


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選任程序是一般國民要成為國民法官所需歷經的重要程序,但全國各地由司法院舉辦之模擬審判中,針對選任程序的操作方法產生許多疑問。本文參考美國陪審制之實務運作以及相關之社會科學研究,認為選任程序的關鍵在於排除偏見以促進公平審判,以及透過程序正義促進信賴。欲達成排除偏見的目的,必須針對候選國民法官取得足夠的資訊,而欲促進信賴,則必須兼顧程序參與。是以,本文建議應於審前擴大使用書面問卷,並在選任程序時,以書面問卷的內容為基礎,將多數時間使用於兩造主導之個別詢問,並同時利用全體詢問兼顧其餘候選陪審員之程序參與,以促進程序信賴。 The selection process is an essential process in which lay people must go through to become lay judges. However, in the moot courts held by the Judicial Yuan, questions were raised regarding the selection process. This article looks at the American jury system and related social science studies. This article argues that the selection process’s primary goal is to exclude bias to ensure a fair trial and to increase legitimacy through procedural justice. The exclusion of bias can only be achieved by gathering enough information about the lay judge candidates; to increase legitimacy, opportunities for participation must be guaranteed. This article suggests expanding the use of written questionnaires before trial. Based on the findings of the questionnaires, the court should allow the parties to interview a limited number of lay judge candidates. Equally important, the court should use group interviews to increase the participation of all other lay judge candidates.
