Вестник Кемеровского государственного университета (Dec 2018)
The article features an introspective conceptual and semantic analysis of paroemias with anthroponyms children / child and their secondary nominations. The analysis included linguoculturological correspondence between the components of Ukrainian and Russian paroemiological world images, verbalizing the valueaxiological content of the microconcept children. A comparative study of the paroemiological world images in closely related languages (Ukrainian and Russian) in the microconcept children showed the predominance of similar conceptual and semantic directions for assessing the role of both parents and children and their environment, places of residence, reflection on family relationships, and differences in lexico-grammatical formalization. In Ukrainian paroemia with the microconcept children, the ethno-cultural component proved to be more obvious; an appeal to the subject associates of certain conductor concepts was revealed. In Russian, sacred associates predominated. There were inconsistencies in the verbalization of those or other moral principles that postulate paremean contexts of closely related languages. Both Russian and Ukrainian paroemiological world images conceptualized the basic oppositional (us – them, small – large, natives – relatives) and non-oppositional meaning to reflect the value-axiological content of the microconcept children. The basic frames of such paroemias are education, love, protection, support, and material and spiritual state of the family.