Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems (Mar 2020)

Mechanisms of Convective Clustering During a 2‐Day Rain Event in AMIE/DYNAMO

  • Wei‐Yi Cheng,
  • Daehyun Kim,
  • Angela Rowe,
  • Yumin Moon,
  • Shuguang Wang

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 12, no. 3
pp. n/a – n/a


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Abstract Physical mechanisms that are key to observed convective clustering in 2‐day rain events are examined. Previous analysis of the 2‐day rain events during the Atmospheric Radiation Measurement Madden‐Julian Oscillation Investigation Experiment (AMIE)/Dynamics of the Madden‐Julian Oscillation (DYNAMO) field campaign data revealed two distinct phases of convective clustering. Using a cloud‐system‐resolving model, we perform a series of intervention experiments to investigate the underlying mechanisms for convective clustering in each phase. In the developing phase, in addition to previously emphasized processes such as the cold pool‐updraft interaction and moisture‐convection feedbacks, our results show that the vertical wind shear in the lower free troposphere is a critical factor for convective clustering. Stronger lower free‐tropospheric wind shear increases the entrainment of environmental air into updrafts and prevents convective clouds from being omnipresent. This result suggests that stronger vertical wind shear in the lower free troposphere can help spatially organize the convection, even for non–squall‐line‐type convective systems. In the decaying phase, the cold pool‐updraft interaction becomes less effective in aggregating convective clouds because the boundary layer is widely cooled by stratiform precipitation. Instead, the mesoscale downdraft driven by the stratiform precipitation becomes the dominant factor to maintain the relatively aggregated convection. Additionally, removing horizontal variations in radiative heating has no impact on convective clustering on this 2‐day time scale, even in the decaying phase when stratiform clouds are widespread. The implication of these results for improving the representation of mesoscale convective organization in convection schemes is discussed.
