Jichu yixue yu linchuang (Oct 2022)
Application of online-teaching in ultrasound-guided regional block and feedback analysis
Objective To evaluate the application of online-teaching in ultrasound-guided regional block. Methods A total of 356 students (September 2020 to October 2020) who participated in three-phase online teaching in ultrasound-guided regional block were enrolled. Questionnaire regarding the online teaching were distributed to gather the feedback opinions. Results 81.47% of the students responded positively about online-teaching. 71.63% of the students agreed that online-teaching didn't impact their learning experience. 63.82% of the students thought the interactivity of online teaching was satisfying. 59.41% of the students preferred online-teaching to traditional teaching in ultrasound-guided regional block. Conclusions The online-teaching in ultrasound-guided regional block is accepted well by trainers. Further combination of online-teaching and hands-on workshop training may improve the teaching quality by complementary mutual advantages.